Athens mass transit Plans for hydrogen buses
The next step for the capital's urban transport is planned by relevant authority OASA
The next step for the capital's urban transport is planned by relevant authority OASA
The new electric buses will be used on four candidate bus lines in central Athens
Not only did OASA's revenue return to pre-health crisis levels from cards and tickets in 2022, it exceeded them.
Commuting in Attica in jalopies, and the renewal of the bus fleet won't be coming this year, either
Union leaders claim the bill will lead to a privatization of urban mass transit systems
Revealing study
The next meeting of the Committee of Experts will scrutinize the possibility of new restrictive measures, but also a time extension of the existing ones, which expire on January 16
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Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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