Mitsotakis to Bloomberg TV: Greece a pillar of stability, security in wider region
In reference to climate change, said effective adjustment to a new reality is the key
In reference to climate change, said effective adjustment to a new reality is the key
The most recent blaze erupting at near the village of Krestena, in Ilia prefecture of southwest Greece
The purple jellyfish (Pelagia noctiluca) is considered one of the most dangerous jellyfish species in the Mediterranean.
Greece will have a leading role in 2022, with its two largest ports, the ones of Piraeus and Thessaloniki, ready to register new record levels
ELKETHE scientists estimate that every year the Mediterranean receives a load of about 17,600 tons of plastics, of which 3,760 tons are currently floating in its waters
The largest price increases between five destinations are recorded in Greece, while the smallest in Turkey
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