New Board of Directors for the Union of Greek Shipowners (UGS)
The annual UGS general assembly and the election of a new board concluded on Thursday - Melina Travlos is expected to be re-elected as UGS president
The annual UGS general assembly and the election of a new board concluded on Thursday - Melina Travlos is expected to be re-elected as UGS president
Evangelos Marinakis in 16th place – The Greek with the highest climb over the last two years.
With its global "superweapon", shipping, Greece "descended" at the historic meeting between Prime Ministers Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Narendra Modi
The minister's contacts with shipping agencies continue in the context of assuming his new duties
Shipping guarantees the security of supply of energy, raw materials and essential goods for the European economy in both normal and crisis conditions
The UGS is implementing a scholarship program for the academic year 2023-2024
Four trucks with blankets, heaters and medicines left Piraeus - The Deputy Minister of Shipping Kostas Katsafados, the president of KEDE Dimitris Papastergiou, the ambassador of Turkey in Athens and Mrs. Travlos gave the "present"
The Union proceeded to set up a special Working Group within the Board of Directors, with the aim of demonstrating the weaknesses of the operational index of Carbon Intensity
"Strength in union", the message of the president of the E.E.E.
The president of the Union of Greek Shipowners' post on social media
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