Greek debtors: Step by step express arrangements through the new platform
How the electronic platform works and who it concerns
How the electronic platform works and who it concerns
New non-performing loans will be manageable
The Minister of Finance asked bank managers to help households affected by the current crisis with interest rate reductions and payment facilities
The two scenarios for breaking the impasse
Concern over new non-performing loans, unpaid bills, falling investment and fiscal support with 7.5 billion euros
Financial institutions lag significantly behind in out-of-court settlements, notes the Minister of Finance
The American rating agency once again kept Greece's credit rating unchanged at "BB", while maintaining the outlook at "positive". elements that would justify an upgrade.
The "keys" to dealing with the crisis
Banks proceed to reject arrangements, either through out-of-court or bilateral arrangements, at a rate of 67%, while the corresponding rate for servicing companies stands at 34%
These are bank NPLs liquidated in the last 10 years
The critical first two years to achieve goals
Στην εγχώρια αγορά έχουν τοποθετηθεί περίπου 2,5 δισ. ευρώ μέσω αγοράς χαρτοφυλακίων NPEs και 0,5 δισ. ευρώ μέσω απόκτησης τίτλων ενδιάμεσης εξασφάλισης στο πλαίσιο των τιτλοποιήσεων που έχουν γίνει
The financial newspaper reports on the difficulties faced by Greek banks
The two major categories of loans that could provide new non-performing loans
Risk of new bad debts due to high inflation
These are loans that have already exited or will soon exit government support programs
These are the guarantees it has given to the systemic banks to proceed with the securitization of the red loans
The National Bank signed a final agreement for the sale of a portfolio of non-performing exposures (Project Frontier) with the consortium Bain Capital, Fortress and doValue
The institutions may have praised the reduction of Non-Performing Funds (NPLs) of Greek banks, but they sounded the alarm for the arrears with the bankruptcy. According to the 11th Economic Assessment Report, in the context of enhanced supervision by the Commission and the European Central Bank, the impact of the pandemic on the banking sector […]
The goal is to sell a portfolio of non-performing leasing contracts as part of efforts to write off non-performing loans from its balance sheet.
This year's distinction is based on the completion of the Galaxy project, the implementation of the Strategic Plan and the strong financial resilience throughout Covid-19
Capital inflows over € 180 are expected from its participation from July 14 in the new MSCI indices
Red loans of 7.2 billion euros are being delisted
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