Greece has up to 500,000 active covid cases says professor
Intubations and deaths are on the rise
Intubations and deaths are on the rise
Omicron 2 is a different virus, like any variant, said doctor and researcher George Pavlakis
Re-infection with Omicron BA.2 shortly after Omicron BA.1 infection is relatively rare, but can occur.
On the same wavelength, the regional director of the World Health Organization points out that new variants may be evolving unknowingly somewhere
Committee of Experts meeting
The return of students which was accompanied by the necessary self tests brought over 15,000 cases among students and teachers with the new year
There will be an increased number of tests on students -self test and not rapid test- but also adjustment of protocols especially for the case in a classroom - Official announcements expected at 16:00
When are the final decisions on whether the schools will open on January 10 expected
The president of EINAP warned that a large number of coronavirus cases are expected in the near future and that the peak is expected around January 12-15
The new data will be evaluated at the established morning coffee with the Prime Minister on Monday with the leadership of the Ministry of Health, Professor Tsiodras and the participation of members of the Committee of Experts.
The increase in cases brought by "Omicron" has caused intense political controversy over the management of the pandemic.
The professor sounded the alarm, saying that if more were not vaccinated, there was a good chance that a new mutation, worse than Omicron, would "spring up".
The goal is for the cases of Omicron to recover at home with mild symptoms and not to burden the Health system and the vaccination helps in this, stressed the president of EINAP
Demosthenes Sarigiannis spoke about the course of the pandemic in Greece, the effects of the Omicron variant, while he also suggested measures that should be taken.
The Doctors of the Therapeutic Clinic of the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Theodora Psaltopoulou, Panos Malandrakis, Giannis Danasis and Thanos Dimopoulos (Rector of EKPA) summarize the data that exist so far for the new executive.
Αν και οι αγορές καταρρέουν μετά τη νέα μετάλλαξη επ’ ονόματι Omicron, το συνονόματο κρυπτονόμισμα αψηφά το απαισιόδοξο κλίμα, με αποδόσεις άνω του 300%.
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