Greek Poll Shake-Up: Course of Freedom Rises, ND Maintains Lead
Nearly half (48.2%) prefer the government to complete its four-year term, while 44.9% favor early elections
Nearly half (48.2%) prefer the government to complete its four-year term, while 44.9% favor early elections
Το 60% θεωρεί ότι η βασική αιτία για την ακρίβεια είναι η πολιτική της κυβέρνησης
The poll was conducted before and after an internal party election for main opposition SYRIZA party
The poll was conducted by the Rass firm and presented by Athens-Piraeus regional broadcaster Action24
Socialist PASOK retains its third-place standing with a 10.8 percent showing in the opinion poll, followed by the Communist Party (KKE) with 6.1 percent
The opinion poll was conducted between May 25 and May 30
The nationwide poll, conducted by the Rass firm between May 8 and May 11 and presented on the prime-time newscast of regional Athens-area broadcaster Action 24 on Monday
Strong trend among respondents in favor of coalition governments in Greece
The poll was conducted by the Pulse firm
Results of the poll, conducted by the Metron Analysis firm between March 22 and 28, were presented on the main newscast of Athens-based Mega Channel on Thursday evening
The results come in the wake of a deadly Feb. 28 train collision in north-central Greece as the Tempi Valley Gorge site, negatively reflected vis-a-vis the Mitsotakis government and ruling ND party
The poll was conducted by the Marc firm and presented during the prime-time newscast of the Athens-based ANT1 channel on Thursday evening
The latest opinion poll unveiled in Greece this week gives ruling New Democracy (ND) party an eight-percentage-point lead
At the same, results show that main opposition SYRIZA party, the government’s leftist rival, appears unable to capitalize from the ruling party’s slide
Conservative ND is given a seven-percentage-point lead over leftist SYRIZA, based on an extrapolation of respondents' answers.
The results from the poll give center-right ND an 8.4-percentage point lead over leftist SYRIZA
Η δημοσκόπηση πραγματοποιήθηκε μετά την παρέμβαση του πρωθυπουργού που αποσαφήνισε τα θέματα του χρόνου των εκλογών
The majority of respondents believe a snap election will take place in Greece in September or October this year
The poll was conducted by the Pulse firm for Athens-based Skai television
Was presented on Wednesday evening on the prime-time newscast of Mega channel.
Show the public’s concern over Greek-Turkish relations
A majority of respondents forecast that center-right ND will win the next general election whenever it is held
Σοβαρή δοκιμασία για την κυβέρνηση αποτυπώνει η έρευνα η οποία πραγματοποιήθηκε εν μέσω έκρηξης κρουσμάτων του κορωνοϊού και ενώ εντείνονται τα φαινόμενα ακρίβειας και ανατιμήσεων
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