Transport: Βill for the integration of two European directives tendered to Greek parliament
Amendment for the installation of electric vehicle charging devices in train stations
Amendment for the installation of electric vehicle charging devices in train stations
The targets for growth and debt - The two-year interventions
A landmark bill lifting most restrictions on Greek citizens’ right to vote from abroad was approved by an enhanced majority of deputies in Parliament on Tuesday, with 208 MPs out of 300 approving the legislation
Re-elected Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Thursday unveiled policy statements in Parliament for his second-term government
The Greek Parliament’s Budget Office Greek on Tuesday forecast that the country’s economy will grow by 2.2 percent this year and next year, in 2024
On July 15 and 16, the central committee of SYRIZA meets, in which the nominations for the leadership of SYRIZA will be submitted.
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the members of the Council of Ministers who are also MPs will be sworn in From the ministerial seats,
The parties are trying to correct the mistakes made in the first polls with each of them setting different goals ahead of the new election contest
After the completion of the election of the Presidium of the Parliament, the new President of the Parliament will adjourn the meeting
The election of the new parliament presidency is expected to take place on Monday and then the Parliament will be dissolved in the afternoon of the same day.
What is causing the "political earthquake": Mitsotakis in the Presidential race today, new polls on June 25
The estimate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the final result of the elections.
The new amendment, if passed, would require a plenary session of Greece’s supreme court
Additionally, and even more importantly, an amendment passed in Parliament on Tuesday suspends all building activity on Mykonos in areas outside of town planning (zoning) areas
He merely said he had no dealings or business meetings with businessmen Yannis Lavranos and Felix Bitzios
The committee hearings are separate from the decision of Parliament's plenary on Monday to set up a special investigating committee
Concluding his speech, Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced in all tones that the elections will be held at the end of the four-year period
Support to National Intelligence Agency-EYP from the prime minister
SYRIZA MPs in the special standing Committee on Institutions and Transparency speak of government attempts to cover up the wiretapping case
Greece's parliament was previously set to reopen on Aug. 31
Speaking in Parliament on the crisis in Ukraine, he said that we have means to react to the energy crisis
The president of SY.RIZ.A, stated that since the beginning of August, our country has surpassed even countries that have experienced economic disaster, such as Italy and Sweden
The state assets holding company and privatization fund stating that they will not participate
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