Mudslides cause interruption of traffic on Athens-Patras tollway
Traffic was blocked at a point some 15 kilometers from the Eleonas toll station, near the coastal city of Egio
Traffic was blocked at a point some 15 kilometers from the Eleonas toll station, near the coastal city of Egio
According to the Fire Department, traffic under the bridge had been prohibited since July 20 due to the works.
The charge for which Roula Pispirigou will answer to the Investigator today concerns the crime of serial intentional homicide.
The accused Roula Pispirigou is expected to fight the first "battle" aided by renown defense attorney Alexis Kougia
The Prime Minister gives a press conference from Patras
A seaplane license for the port of Kyllini, in the northwest Peloponnese, has been issued, with a joint ministerial decision approving the development
Τhe quake was recorded at 17.10 local time
The 33-year-old woman, a few months before administering the fatal dose of ketamine to her child, had tried to kill it while hopitalized at the Karamandanion Children's Hospital of Patras
What the memorandum of cooperation includes
The 33-year-old mother, who is accused of the death of Georgina's 9-year-old daughter, is in the courts on Evelpidon Street.
The findings from the toxicological tests are crucial
The next moves of police, the schedule, the strange events and the new cycle of coincidences
The aim of the program is to promote thematic tourism in Patras and, especially, in its historic center
The development of innovation through the Technology Innovation Hub, creates reciprocal benefits for the local community, as it creates new jobs.
The child sustained head injuries and remained in an area hospital’s ICU on Sunday evening.
He was rushed to hospital
Patras once again facing conflagration
With this move, EV is closer to an area of the Greek periphery that currently gathers strong development prospects
This is the strain B.1.621 of the "Kappa" mutation.
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
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