Greece to Proceed with Issuance of 10-Year Bond
Regarding Greece's public debt the Agency forecasts that it will continue its downward trend, recording a total reduction of around 56%.
Regarding Greece's public debt the Agency forecasts that it will continue its downward trend, recording a total reduction of around 56%.
According to PDMA, the country’s total financing needs, year-on-year, are below the 10% of GDP threshold
The uniform yield eased to 3.75%, compared to 3.83% recorded during a similar T-bill auction on Jan. 31, 2024
The country’s Public Debt Management Authority (PDMA) announced that submitted bids totaled 1.553 billion euros, over-subscribing the issue by 2.48 times
The settlement date was set for July 28, 2023
The purpose of the reissuance is to satisfy investment demand and to operate the secondary bond market
Greece’s Public Debt Management Authority (PDMA) said bids totaled roughly 1.7 billion euros
This will be the first bond auction to be held in a framework of a three-month auction program announced recently by the Public Debt Management Authority
The Greek state is eyeing three bond issues in the second quarter of 2023
Looking forward to the month of May. The strategy of Public Debt Management Agency (PDMA) for 2023 and why the burden falls at the beginning of the year.
The yield increased to 2.50%
Increased borrowing costs to 1.79%
The auction for 750 million will be held tomorrow, Tuesday
The bond markets in the Eurozone, including that of Greece, are under strong pressure this morning
812.5 million euros were garnered from the auction
The requested amount was oversubscribed by 1.72 times
Interest rate at -0.16%
The yield was -0.25 percent (the last such issue ended at -0.40 percent), out of total bids of 863 million euros, oversubscribing the issue by 1.38 times.
Yield at -0.40%
At -0.42% the yield
The amount raised included 187.5 million euros in non-competitive bids.
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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