Demographic problem precipitates social security changes
Complete reversal of the age pyramid, fewer and older workers in our country - Competitiveness Council "the keyword is reform"
Complete reversal of the age pyramid, fewer and older workers in our country - Competitiveness Council "the keyword is reform"
The projection of the official demographic data of the country, in the year 2070 shows that under the current demographic conditions the workforce of Greece is estimated to be 3.201 million people from 4.656 million people
The Ministry of Labor assures that the insurance scheme is not going to change so as to try to reduce the retirement applications
The pensions that will be paid this week
According to Ministry of Labor officials, the process of recalculating pensions is an extremely complex and, therefore, time-consuming process
Outstanding pensions have been reduced to 130,000 from 190,000 in 2019 noted the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs
A new landscape in social security is formed starting January 1, 2022, when the operation of the new Auxiliary Capital Insurance Fund is expected to begin
The price list for their services
The points that overshadow the "good general picture" in the report of the Fund for the Greek economy
In the average typical Greek family, for many decades, the degree of cohesion and dependence between successive generations of its members was very high. This cohesion and dependence had both social and economic characteristics
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