Pulse Poll: ND Still Easily Ahead, But Slipping; High Interest in Tempi
The poll showed very high interest over the Tempi disaster, with Friday marking the two-year anniversary since the worst rail accident in Greece’s history
The poll showed very high interest over the Tempi disaster, with Friday marking the two-year anniversary since the worst rail accident in Greece’s history
New Democracy (ND) still holds substantial lead over opposition parties ahead of the June EP elections
Specifically, center-right ND was preferred by 27% of respondents in the poll, down by 1.2% percentage points from last month’s results
New Democracy maintains a significant standing with 38% in voting intention and 41% in perceived suitability for the prime ministerial role
The latest opinion poll by Metron Analysis gives ruling New Democracy (ND) party a 22.8-percentage point lead over main opposition SYRIZA
The firm surveyed a sample of 1,302 respondents between June 15 and June 21
A party must receive above 3 percent of the general vote (of valid ballots) to enter parliament
Beyond the prospect of an eight-party Parliament, incumbent New Democracy (ND) is given 40.3 percent
The GPO Nationwide Poll for TA NEA Weekend Solves the New Ballot Equation
Despite seven parties possibly entering the 300-deputy Greek Parliament
The poll, conducted by the Kapa Research firm, shows half of respondents reporting that positive reactions from results of Sunday’s election
The order of lesser parties remains similar to all previous opinion polls
Opinion polls are now unveiled on an almost daily basis in the country ahead of a May 21 general election.
Specifically, center-right ND is given 27.8 percent of respondents’ preference in a poll conducted by the Metron Analysis firm
The breakdown is 28.2 percent for center-right ND; 23.1 percent for leftist SYRIZA and 11.4 percent for socialist PASOK
The poll was commission by the Athens weekly and news web portal Proto Thema
In terms of the popularity of political party leaders, incumbent PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis leads with 47.8 percent of favorable answers by respondent, followed by PASOK leader Nikos Androulakis with 34.3 percent
The poll, by the Alco firm, was commissioned by an Athens-area television channel and presented on the latter’s prime-time newscast on Monday
What Metron Analysis' research shows about rising prices, wiretapping and election scenarios
What Greeks think about Turks, the economy, politics - The findings of a new poll
The poll was held after the intervention of the prime minister who clarified the issues of snap elections
For the first time in recent months the government is gaining new momentum
According to the opinion poll in the intention to vote, ND gathers 31.3%, against 21.8% of SYRIZA and the valid percentages are as follows: ND 32.8% and SYRIZA 22.9%
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