ND given less than 10%-point lead over SYRIZA in latest poll
The poll was conducted by the Alco firm
The poll was conducted by the Alco firm
The first problem that concerns the citizens is inflation with 49% with the pandemic being limited to 26.8%.
New Democracy receives 32%, SYRIZA 25% and PASOK 13%
According to the findings of the Prorata poll, high prices (42%) and pandemic (40%) emerge as the most basic problems of Greek society
Asked about high prices, 95% say it will affect the average household - How do citizens assess pandemic management - What do they say about the Greek-French agreement
For the first time, "cracks" appear in the dynamics of the government, which reach 2%.
In the GPO gallop for "TA NEA Weekend Edition" the double-digit lead of ND from SYRIZA is maintained, while the acceptance percentages of Kyriakos Mitsotakis remain at high levels.
After 22 months of governing and 15 months of managing the pandemic citizens trust in the ruling party remains strong
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