PPC CEO – The plan for the lignite mining areas
"We will not leave the lignite areas but we will change the profile of investments in renewable sources, photovoltaics but also waste management, biomass", stressed the president and CEO of the company
"We will not leave the lignite areas but we will change the profile of investments in renewable sources, photovoltaics but also waste management, biomass", stressed the president and CEO of the company
Expenditures on fuel, gas, CO2 and energy markets jump to 2.1 billion euros in nine months
Lignite production is a headache. The uncertainties of water and electricity inputs
The collaboration will create new opportunities for the green transition of the Company and in particular for the reduction of the carbon footprint, but also opportunities for synergies between the business ecosystems of PPC and Microsoft.
The reactions of PPC and private providers to the public consultation of the Energy Regulatory Authority (RAE). Opposition to the risk rating categorization of invoices. Barbs of Mytilineos for the PPC monopoly
The European development bank said it has joined a 1.35-billion-euro share capital increase announced by PPC.
The whole map with the green investments 5.1 billion. euros by 2026. In W. Macedonia, Crete and Dodecanese 70% of the projects under development. 4.3 GW wind and 3.9 GW photovoltaic most of the clean energy portfolio. In the plans are also offshore wind farms of180 MW.
Investors offers at 9 euros per share
A combined offer process for a share capital increase by the Public Power Corp. (PPC) opens on Tuesday
What does the "Cornerstone Agreement" signify with the big fund? Next Friday, October 29, at the Board. of PPC the prospectus for the increase of the share capital. The offer book opens next week.
Dispute over the consultation of the Environmental Impact Study of the Mesochora hydroelectric project
"With the further capital increase, PPC is following an autonomous course," said the president and CEO George Stassis
Tomorrow 19/10 the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to increase the share capital. At least 50 foreign institutional investors and funds have participated in the informal administration roadshow
The composition of the key index MSCI Greece is currently heartbreaking, as only five shares are participating
Variability is not lacking today, despite the negativity of the international climate, however the selective moves so far are positive
The new shareholding scheme will be along the lines of the Enel and E.ON model - Strikes decided by employee union GENOP
"They are paving the way for the transfer of the main pillar of our energy system", the Movement for Change (KINAL) has accused the government
HRADF and HCAP hold a 51-percent stake of PPC
PPC said the share capital increase aims to fund its updated strategic plan.
How the predominantly "political paper" of the domestic capital market changed page
The details of its implementation are expected to be clarified through the legislative initiative of the Greek Government, the company emphasizes
Greece submitted these measures to remove the distortion created by PPC's exclusive access to lignite-fired generation, which the Commission and Union courts had found to create an inequality of opportunity in Greek electricity markets
With a view to 2022, the restoration of ground in the mines and lignite stations of PPC. The legislative regulation for the Special Purpose Company, the separation of the branch from PPC and the announcement of the Special Urban Planning Studies are still pending, the specifications of which have just been signed by the Energy Ministry.
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