Gov’t tables 2024 draft budget; 2.4% GDP growth forecast
The draft budget foresees that GDP growth this year will reach 2.4 percent, slightly up from 2.3 percent previously forecast
The draft budget foresees that GDP growth this year will reach 2.4 percent, slightly up from 2.3 percent previously forecast
What is the reason for the better performance in relation to the targets?
During this period, regular budget revenues stood at €13,898 million, up from €11,842 million last year
On an amended cash basis, the state budget posted a deficit of 11.680 billion euros in 2022, down from a budget target for a deficit of 13.4 billion euros
The annual poll for a state budget is considered a customary vote of confidence for the government in power.
What the central bank data shows
The aim is to ensure that growth continues next year at around 2.5% and the surplus is close to 1%
The additional revenue will fund a new expanded quarterly grant package
"Omicron" covid variant and "Elpida" severe weather front opened holes in the state coffers
The state budget is being voted tonight in the shadow of the new wave of Covid-19, of the health data and the price rises
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