Greece: Supermarket Product Prices Decreased in May
Notably, substantial price reductions were noted in butter and eggs, decreasing by 7.50%
Notably, substantial price reductions were noted in butter and eggs, decreasing by 7.50%
According to market sources those who adjusted their prices before Jan. 10, 2024, are considered the "lucky ones," as they will not be subjected to the three-month ban on promotions
The research was done by random sampling on a sample of 1,000 e-shoppers in online supermarkets
68% of consumers say they will cut unnecessary expenses and luxuries and buy only the essentials
Online Channel Reaches New Level of Maturity – Opposing Trends for Turnover and Volume – What Consumers Want
Imported food and beverages over 8 billion euros per year
Detailed price comparison table between supermarkets
What the data reveals about the household basket - Choosing a supermarket based on offers
The 2022 buyout rally in supermarkets will continue - The food sector is also on the "radar" of large investors
Or so said Minister of Development on the MEGA" channel morning show
How in 15 years Sklavenitis "broke" the exclusivity of Attica and became the largest retailer in Greece with a presence in Cyprus as well
The leading "players" of organized retail favor large stores - The conflicts in the northern sector of Attica
The sales of the 145 year-old supermarket stood at 53.23 million euros
Nikos Lavidas on the triple invstment, "perception", the rapid rise of e-sales, acquisitions and pressures on profits
What the new ministerial decision includes - The outcome of the discussion between and Ministry of Development leadership
Product prices will be monitored on the electronic application of the ministry, on a weekly basis, starting Wednesday
The minister emphasized that the prices of many products are falling due to greater competition
The supermarkets included in the measure must have at least one product from each product category included in the household basket at an affordable price
"The household basket will be renewed every week while consumers will have the opportunity to be informed about the prices electronically" said the Minister of Development
Basket also updated on online supermarkets
Which products saw big price increases according to NielsenIQ - Consumers in angst
The fresh food category accounted for 34% of total sector sales
Greeks will be able to see and compare the products that each chain will put in the "basket" through the e-katanalotis platform.
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
Ιδιοκτησία - Δικαιούχος domain name: ΟΝΕ DIGITAL SERVICES MONOΠΡΟΣΩΠΗ ΑΕ
Νόμιμος Εκπρόσωπος: Ιωάννης Βρέντζος
Έδρα - Γραφεία: Λεωφόρος Συγγρού αρ 340, Καλλιθέα, ΤΚ 17673
ΑΦΜ: 801010853, ΔΟΥ: ΦΑΕ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑ
Ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση Επικοινωνίας: ot@alteregomedia.org, Τηλ. Επικοινωνίας: 2107547007
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