Greece: Visitors to 86th TIF exceed 45K during first weekend
Visitors at the 86th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) reached 45,000 this year during the trade exhibition’s first weekend, echoing pre-pandemic levels of 2019
Visitors at the 86th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) reached 45,000 this year during the trade exhibition’s first weekend, echoing pre-pandemic levels of 2019
The Greek prime minister and his economic staff want to have a clear picture of the potential of the Greek economy and of the international developments in terms of energy cost and inflation
The focus will be on heating-cooling products, energy providers, bioclimatic building design, environmental technologies and waste management and recycling systems
Last year the PM's messages centered on "defense and pandemic", this year the agenda will sport "society and energy"
UQAE participation will focus on technology and investment
Indicative of the great interest was the participation of 135 innovative companies from dynamic sectors such as ESG, ICT / Fintech, technologies in the field of health and tourism
The 2nd Thessaloniki Helexpo Forum on "Creating the next day" and more than 110 speakers and 19 topics were also considered successful
SYRIZA party president Alexis Tsipras, appeared at the customary press brief allocated to the country’s main opposition leader during the second weekend of the annual Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF)
The president of SYRIZA said that Mr. Mitsotakis is not interested in the middle class, but "he is interested in a small minority, his environment, the people he meets."
"The VAT issue must be assessed based on the potential of the economy"
"It was a national need to get out of the memorandums and settle the debt…"
Τhe leader of the opposition referred to the pandemic, blaming the government for the manipulations and the course of the vaccinations
The parliamentary representative of SYRIZA criticized the measures announced by the Prime Minister, speaking to OT.gr
The Head of the parliamentary group of SYRIZA for issues related to investments and development, Nikos Pappas, criticized the Greek government, which he accuses of inaction and delay in the completion of major projects, speaking at the stand of OT at the Thessaloniki International Fair
The President of GENOP PPC, George Adamidis, speaking to OT.gr expressed his fear that an energy cartel will be created
Spin-offs are companies that take advantage of the knowledge generated in research laboratories
The utilization of tools, such as the Competition Commission and the Regulatory Authority for Energy, in order to regulate the market, the reduction of the excise duities, especially on fuels and the introduction of a comprehensive package of support for households and businesses was proposed by the SYRIZA Head of Development and Investment
The Secretary General at Greek National Tourism Organization made a first assessment of the tourist wave in the summer, speaking to OT.gr
Asked about the vaccinations, the head of SYRIZA Parliamentary Group Office, was explicit, claiming that "we told everyone from the very beginning to be vaccinated"
"There may be a macroeconomic stabilization, but there are also some microeconomic concerns," said Emmanuel Vlachogiannis, vice-president of the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI)
In every five-year plan, we reduce by 50% the emissions of carbon dioxide, said among other things, the General Manager of EDA THESS
Mr. Iliopoulos harshly criticized the government speaking at the stand of OT at the Thessaloniki International Fair
Iakovos Kargarotos, Vice President of Papastratos, speaks to OT.gr
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