Municipality of Patras – Space Hellas Innovative project to promote thematic tourism
The aim of the program is to promote thematic tourism in Patras and, especially, in its historic center
The aim of the program is to promote thematic tourism in Patras and, especially, in its historic center
When meeting with Vladimir Putin, the Greek PM stressed that "there is room for improvement in Greek-Russian relations in the sectors of economy, bilateral trade and tourism."
The Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) data indicate a large increase in exports and in investments, as well
Value of Greek assets causes explosion of business deals
The extra welfare spending, according to the minister, aims to support winter holiday and vacation destinations
The Greek Tourism Minister stressed that we should now work hard in order to improve the infrastructure, to have a sustainable tourism model, and to create better jobs
The first place in the category was taken by Italy
Tourist arrivals in Greece between the Jan-Aug 2021 period exceeded 8.6 million, compared to 4.8 million in the corresponding period of 2020
The tourism receipts in August were formed at 75.8% of the levels of 2019- What do the data of the Bank of Greece show
Santorini attracted 1.27 million visitors, showing an increase of 155.9%, while Mykonos, in turn, attracted 961.647 visitors, recording an increase of 153.4%
The two sides agreed to draw up an action plan to prioritize areas of cooperation of mutual interest.
the Greek Priome Minister, Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, spoke with the New York Times journalist, Steven Erlanger, at the Athens Democracy Forum. What he said about the agreement with France, the coronavirus and the immigration.
Looking to 2022, he said major UK tour operator Jet2 is now ready to offer Greek destinations, including Athens city tours, as of next April
Vaccination remains a key prerequisite for boosting travel confidence and increasing bookings
Τhe Prime Minister's Special Adviser on Latin America, Iason Pipinis on tourism from South America
British travelers were informed - this summer alone - by a total of 27 new tributes that were sported by the largest media in England
The campaign comes on the heels of a better-than-expected summer season in the country, with most targets exceeded in a second straight pandemic-affected year.
Kimolos and Naxos stand out in the first places on the list of the ten "secret" areas,
The data come from companies with an obligation to maintain ledgers
This is according to a survey by Russia's largest insurance company Rosgosstrakh
Greek Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias on Thursday evening pointed to an opportunity to further boost Greece-China relations in various fields
The more optimistic scenario, one now considered by the finance ministry and cited by National Bank economists in a new commissioned study, is a “V type” recovery for the year, with GDP increase in 2020 touching on 7.5 percent
The occupancy in the hotels continues close to the levels of 2019
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