August 15 holiday – High occupancy – Increased bookings via Airbnb
High occupancy of over 90% is recorded in accommodations available online and located in popular destinations in the country
High occupancy of over 90% is recorded in accommodations available online and located in popular destinations in the country
Tour operators do not find the Germans willing to cancel their holidays in Greece
The barrier of one million passengers was broken before the end of July through more than 8,000 international flights to the islands of the South Aegean.
Nearly two-fifths of Americans (39%) have either booked or plan to book an international trip in 2021 or 2022
The joys of the sun and the sea in Karpathos
Α little more than five million tourist arrivals have been recorded in the east Mediterranean country so far in 2021
Any expectations for satisfactory fulfillment this year are being dashed, notes the Confederation of Greek Tourist Accommodation Entrepreneurs
How the map of brand chains is formed in Greece
This company did not issue receipts for 45 sets of umbrellas-sunbeds
After the concern that seemed to linger during the first period, the decision of the British government to lift the quarantine measure for those returning from Greece changed the climate.
An increase in flights has been observed after July 15 from Great Britain with a total of 255 flights arriving on the island
At this time the occupancy for July and August reaches 100%
The message sent by Greek hoteliers from all Greek destinations
The great concern for the Ministry of Tourism is the evolution of the pandemic inside and outside the borders
It now operates through leases of 73 private hotels in 34 different destinations in Greece.
Based on the existing design, the full implementation of the investment is expected to take about four years
In this way, natural and digital visitors will have the opportunity to explore in various ways the statue of Eniochos, the twin Kouroi of Argos, the Sphinx of Naxia and the other emblematic exhibits of the Archaeological Museum of Delphi
100% occupancy in August
Following the official opening of the Peristera underwater museum in June, Alonissos wants to make four more shipwrecks accessible to divers from around the world.
Travel receipts in May increased by 286.2%
The hotel marks the arrival of the Mercure brand in Greece, expanding Accor's presence in the country
The Italian Foreign Ministry is monitoring the increase of coronavirus cases in Greek resorts, wanting to protect Italian travelers.
Government and infectious disease specialists are on alert for the increase of cases on the islands against the background of the arrival of tourists - Crucial committee meeting
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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