ELSTAT: Greece’s Unemployment Rises to 9.5% in Q4 2024
The largest share of the workforce was made up of professionals (22.8%) and service and sales workers (22.3%).
The largest share of the workforce was made up of professionals (22.8%) and service and sales workers (22.3%).
At a European level, according to unemployment data released by Eurostat Greece remains the country with the second-highest unemployment in the EU
The number of employed individuals reached 4,284,694, an increase of 67,723 compared to October 2023 (+1.6%) and 22,002 compared to September 2024 (+0.5%).
Unemployment among individuals aged 15-24 remained high at 23.3% in October, underscoring ongoing challenges in youth employment.
Unemployment rates are highest among women, young people up to 24 years old, residents of the Ionian Islands, and those with only a few years of primary education
The encouraging outlook in the IT sector is contrasted by a rather damp hiring outlook on average in the country for the second quarter of 2024
Women were more affected than men by unemployment, with rates of 13.2% and 8.0%, respectively
The figure by the Greek Statistical Authority is 0.2% off the Eurostat’s figures published on Tuesday, which placed the jobless rate for December 2023 at 9.4%
The number of unemployed stood at 429,806, indicating a fall of 130,997 individuals compared to November 2022 (23.4%) and a decrease of 12,156 individuals compared to October 2023 (2.8%).
The aim of the program is to create a total of 21,500 new full-time jobs
Registered unemployment in Greece totaled nearly 837,000 people in September 2023, down by 5.9 percent compared to last year
The number of unemployed people in August totaled 512,193
he statistics service said the number of unemployed people in the country exceeded 533,000
The number of registered unemployed who received jobless benefits in July 2023 totaled 127,135
Registered unemployment in Greece last month, June 2023, decreased 6 percent
Greece remained in unenviable second place in terms of eurozone member-states' unemployment
The x-ray of Hellenic Manpower Employment Organization programs: Women, young people and the unemployed over 55 are being hired by small and very small businesses
Registered unemployment in Greece fell by 35,068 individuals in absolute terms
The unemployment rate for women was 15.7 percent
The number of unemployed people reached nearly 502,000, down by 134,764 (21.6 percent) compared with January 2022
A total of 193,632 jobless people received unemployment benefits in January 2023.
Figures announced by Greece’s statistics authority (EL.STAT)
Over 36.8% of the unemployed are young, while 15% of under-25s are the 'working poor'
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