Unemployment in Greece: Part-time and long-term unemployed are on the rise
One in two new jobs are part-time or rotating employment,
One in two new jobs are part-time or rotating employment,
The figure for Greece is 17 percent in the specific age category for degree-holders
The number of unemployed reached 555,567 people, showing a decrease of 6.1%
The Hellenic Statistical Authority-ELSTAT "counted" 24,324 vacancies in the third quarter of 2022 compared to 5,594 in 2020
There was a total of 542,941unemployed people, a decrease of 78,425 people
Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs visits Employment Promotion Center of Agioi Anargyroi – Ilion
Unemployed numbered 556,324
The aim is to ensure that growth continues next year at around 2.5% and the surplus is close to 1%
The number of employed persons amounted to 4,167,239
The number of employed persons amounted to 4,116,125, increasing by 133,094 persons as compared with July 2021
What the data of the EU statistical authority show
The unemployed reached 596,056 people, a decrease of 130,016 people compared to May 2021
Out of the 13 regions of the country, eight have an above average unemployment rate - Τhe peculiarities, the women and the young people aged 15 - 24 years old
Registered unemployed not actively seeking employment reached 6,941 in June
Mr Mitsotakis stressed, among other things, that the government's top priority was a speedy recovery of the national economy with lots of investments
The aim of the program is to recruit long-term (12+ months) unemployed people, aged 55-67 years old, in full-time jobs
587,595 people unemployed
Reduction in unemployment, with an explosive rise in recruitment but at the same time a worrying rise in layoffs - The tourist season began with 55,000 vacancies
The number of unemployed people totaled 582,000 in March 2022
"Now is the time of the citizens and especially the weakest"
Spain, Greece and Italy recorded the highest unemployment rates
Unemployment has fallen by 4.4 percentage points since New Democracy took over the country, according to the Ministry of Labor
Was presented on Wednesday evening on the prime-time newscast of Mega channel.
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