IAPR: Reduced VAT for Soft drinks Bought by Takeaway
Softdrinks consumed in shop will be subject to 24% VAT while those bought through takeaway will be charged 13%
Softdrinks consumed in shop will be subject to 24% VAT while those bought through takeaway will be charged 13%
How it will affect the over 35m yacht market - What industry players are saying
Mandatory POS in taxis, kiosks, cinemas. The VAT "hole" is at 3.2 billion euros
An estimated 100,000 properties in Greece are listed on the AirBnB platform alone
The government is considering imposing conditions on the operation of short term rentals in order to give space to the long-term rental market
What the Independent Authority for State Revenue-AADE data show
What the data from the Independent Authority for Public Devenue-AADE show
What the reduction of VAT in food means
This development comes primarily from the overperformance in VAT and annual income tax collection
Changes to VAT on property, coffee, transport, how much do retired civil servants earn from the abolition of the solidarity levy. The decryption of the TIF tax package
They hid 592,000 euros of VAT from tax authorities
What is provided by the order of the Ministry of Finance
"It is no longer just growth that is at stake, but the viability of the food sector," said Mr. Ioannis Giotis, president of the Association of Greek Food Industries
The Minister of Rural Development expressed the belief that "with the very serious intervention in the electricity, we will see that we will have a change in the price of products"
Greece loses 1 in 3 euros from VAT - The measures proposed by the BoG
Mr. Petsas pointed out that the government is adapting to the conditions and moving in such a way that it will not shake confidence in the Greek economy.
The possibility for this measure is open, if we see that the increases are excessive, to take additional measures to control the wave of accuracy, said Minister of Development Adonis Georgiadis
The new ENFIA property tax, the new objective values and the domino in taxes and fees, the reversals in the electronic receipts, the "lifting" in the tax collection, the "cut" taxes and… the trampled areas of the State
The government seeks to reduce the tax burden and address accuracy by giving breath to households and businesses by implementing the measures announced by the Prime Minister at the Thessaloniki Intenational Fair (TIF)
Facilities for the beneficiaries for the implementation of their investment plans, taking into account the special conditions that have arisen due to the coronavirus.
From 1/7/2021 in the five islands there will be a reduction by 30% of VAT rates if reception and hospitality structures of third country citizens operate within their region,
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
Ιδιοκτησία - Δικαιούχος domain name: ΟΝΕ DIGITAL SERVICES MONOΠΡΟΣΩΠΗ ΑΕ
Νόμιμος Εκπρόσωπος: Ιωάννης Βρέντζος
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