African Dust, Rain and Wind Forecast for Greece on Monday
The Ionian, mainland Greece and the northern Aegean will have clouds, occasional rain and even isolated thunderstorms in some regions.
The Ionian, mainland Greece and the northern Aegean will have clouds, occasional rain and even isolated thunderstorms in some regions.
Severe weather in Greece causes school closures and sailing bans. Strong winds, snowfall, and icy conditions disrupt daily life and travel on Tuesday.
Cold front "Elena" is gradually subsiding, bringing clear skies to Athens by this afternoon. Access to Parnitha is now only possible via the cable car, while traffic on the Pendeli – Nea Makri ring road remains partially blocked.
The Hellenic National Meteorological Service (EMY) warns of rain, thunderstorms, hail, and lightning in many areas of Greece
February 2024 was the hottest over the past 15 years in northern Greece, according to meteo.gr, a subsidiary of the National Observatory of Athens
Come the new week, a polar air mass will descend upon Europe, which may mean icy weather and snowfall for Greece
Sunny weather, but not for long
Greece’s weather service issued an extraordinary bulletin warning of the low barometric front
Weather stations across the country recorded disparate weather phenomena
The wave of bad weather is expected to start tomorrow and last until at least Sunday
The heaviest rains from the cold front, dubbed “Eva”, are forecast for Sunday morning, mostly in western, central and southern Greece.
Temperature will rise slightly and is expected to reach 36 to 37°C on the mainland
As the "Genesis" weather front began to spread across the country, rainfall reached hazard level 4
Substantial quantities of African dust are expected to be transferred to Greece between Tuesday and Saturday
Snowfall is expected even in Attica, which will become more intense around midday
Especially in the north and central mainland
We expect worsening weather conditions tomorrow Thursday
The "Elpis" weather front is expected to bring heavy snowfall and low temperatures - Where and when snow is expected
Snowfall is expected along the eastern side of the Greek mainland, heavier in the mountains, central Evia island and as far south as Crete
Where it will snow
Greece’s weather service (EMY) on Friday evening issued a severe rainstorm and gale force wind warning
The temperature will reach 12 to 14 degrees on northern mainland Greece
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